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Environmental permitting for construction lifecycle

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Ecobot, Inc.

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Ecobot is the only cloud-based platform that provides true efficiency, accuracy, and reliability to wetland scientists. Efficient. Geospatially-smart. Automated Calculations. Works offline. Ridiculously easy to use. Ecobot eliminates complexity and enables greater scientific accuracy. Unlike paper field notes, desktop software or other apps, Ecobot helps our customers spend more time being scientists, and the companies they work for be more profitable.

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Enterprise <ul> <li>Built-in field reference guides like landforms and hydrology/soil indicators.</li> <li>Fully-automated vegetation determination calculations.</li> <li>Built-in, automated QA / QC.</li> <li>Deeply integrated with Esri ArcGIS desktop and mobile applications.</li> </ul> Custom Other
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  • Enterprise
    <ul> <li>Built-in field reference guides like landforms and hydrology/soil indicators.</li> <li>Fully-automated vegetation determination calculations.</li> <li>Built-in, automated QA / QC.</li> <li>Deeply integrated with Esri ArcGIS desktop and mobile applications.</li> </ul>
  • Custom
    <ul> <li>Connect with Appdoh sales team</li> </ul>
  • Enterprise
    <ul> <li>Pastebin Manager for Windows 10</li> <li>Pastebin Desktop for Windows</li> <li>iPhone/iPad Application</li> <li>Windows 8 & RT Application</li> </ul>

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