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Sales and Company Management CRM

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KeepinCRM is a small and medium-sized business CRM system. KeepinCRM is a tool for arranging client work, deals, and assignments. Be aware of everything that occurs in the organization, automate the routine, and enhance sales. It enables automatic receipt of chat requests, formation of TTN, introduction of finances, automatic transmission of transactions via the funnel based on delivery statuses, document generation, and stock balances.

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App Pricing Page

Free <ul> <li>Pricing for 1 user</li> <li>Main functionality - Lady, Customers, Deals, Price List</li> <li>Deals - Board, The time of the transaction in the stage, Control of transitions by stages, Setting the reasons for winning / losing the deal</li> <li>Leads / Customers / Custom Counterparties - Sales Funnel, Additional Contacts, Board, Files</li> </ul> 0.00 Month
Expanded <ul> <li>1 additional user</li> <li>The main functionality - Branches, Unlimited Disk Space, Documents</li> <li>Deals - Additional Sales, Partial write-off of goods</li> <li>Leads / Customers / Custom Counterparties - Tags, Automatic birthday greetings, Create your own sections, Automatic transfer of ice to customers when creating a transaction, result, payment</li> </ul> 8.40 Month
This app has yearly payment discounts available.

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Customer Questions

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  • Free
    <ul> <li>Pricing for 1 user</li> <li>Main functionality - Lady, Customers, Deals, Price List</li> <li>Deals - Board, The time of the transaction in the stage, Control of transitions by stages, Setting the reasons for winning / losing the deal</li> <li>Leads / Customers / Custom Counterparties - Sales Funnel, Additional Contacts, Board, Files</li> </ul>
  • Expanded
    <ul> <li>1 additional user</li> <li>The main functionality - Branches, Unlimited Disk Space, Documents</li> <li>Deals - Additional Sales, Partial write-off of goods</li> <li>Leads / Customers / Custom Counterparties - Tags, Automatic birthday greetings, Create your own sections, Automatic transfer of ice to customers when creating a transaction, result, payment</li> </ul>

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